Mirror Mirror On The Wall

I hope you enjoy listening to this song while reading my latest poem

Me: Mirror, mirror on the wall, look at me

And tell me what you see

Who am I? And what I am looking for?

Mirror ( M): I see you

The signature of this moment

In all its components

Your past actions, reactions

The inception of your intentions, receptions

Believe it or not, all become your conceptions

Me: “Ohh, what do you mean by all that?”

M: Sometimes you are tangoing with the dark 

In the middle of an arc

Acknowledge it, clear and bright

Face it without fright

Recall the song by L. Cohen

There is a crack in everything 

That is how the light gets in

Me:  So who am I in all this?

M: You are the one that often swings


To the color of your emotions

Without having any notion 

Of yourself hooked on whatever

shows up in your thoughts

Taking them seriously 

Believing they are you

Me: But?

M: Take this advice

That comes with a price

Embrace the sacred breath of life and allow

Whatever shows up here and now

To run like a river through you

While you humbly bow

Observe the emotional tides

With all its lows or highs

Without any reaction

You become silence in action 

You may say it is easier said than done

So true, so true

The human journey is not always fun

But learn to plough

Your soil 

Without much toil

Cope with what shows up

Without a blow up

Become transparent 

And let that lead you 

To the next moment 

With a graceful flow  

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6 thoughts on “Mirror Mirror On The Wall

  1. Pingback: A Remote Island - Wise & Shine

    • For me, it is where light enters, but I guess it depends on how you look at it and bend it. And maybe it is different if it is a crack in the soul, but then again can there be a crack there? ( that is a very interesting question. I would love to
      hear your thoughts on it if you have any. Thanks for the read.


  2. Pingback: Curiosity killed the cat - Wise & Shine

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