I have a dream

I hope you enjoy listening to this song while reading the post.

As I grew, I carved my own unique path, delving into womanhood through personal experiences. Being a Woman is often like orchestrating a symphony of chaos.


W is for Water and Wolf

I am like Water, embodying a wild spirit akin to a Wolf. Interested in the wolf reference? Explore it here.

O is for Ocean

I am an Ocean of everything – Mess, Madness, a Mountain of vulnerability in the magical land called LIFE. Still shedding layers of shame imposed by life’s experiences, ancestral lines, and societal expectations, I journey toward embracing authenticity and accepting all my layers.

M is for Mother & a journey into the Mystery:

Becoming a Mother delved me into the most profound meaning of LOVE, the unconditional kind. Motherhood made me realize that I can be as tall as a Mountain of vulnerability in the magical land of life – a Mystery, unraveling day by day.

A is for Alone:

I sometimes feel Alone in my dance with life’s many questions, the dance of surrender to the Great Mystery. 

N for Naked

I often feel Naked in the Ocean of emotions, the mess, and madness of this magical journey in a woman’s body. Shedding layers and embracing authenticity is like dancing naked. In the rhythm of this symphony, every day becomes a celebration – a day for women, a day for humanity, a day to be wise. 

I envsion that one day

A heartfelt shout-out to all the remarkable women! I honor past warriors of women’s rights and envision future trailblazers setting the stage for feminine wisdom to shine. Here’s to embracing the wild, the messy, the magical, and the mysterious, standing tall in our vulnerability and celebrating the authenticity that makes each of us unique.

Inspired by Martin Luther King, I have a dream: a world where being born an empowered woman isn’t confined to designated ‘women’s days,’ but where every day celebrates feminine wisdom based on harmony, peace, and respect for all creatures. I dream of a day when we women respect each others’ journeys, as equals. Change will happen when they are ready, they cannot be forced by external pressures.

In my dream world, women aren’t merely replicating men’s leadership styles; they’re forging their own paths with feminine finesse. Breaking the chains of patriarchy with softness, healthy boundaries, embracing individuality and respecting each other despite differences.

I dream of a day where we embrace feminine wisdom as our compass for life, reveling in the glow of love, harmony, and peace. Farewell to greed, manipulation, anger, and the darkness that has lingered through the ages. Here’s to a future where we are free, flowing, and aligned with compassion and love!