Into A Million Tiny Pieces

  I hope you enjoy this touching chorus while reading my poem.

Some days

The minutes

Break me 

I feel that at anytime 

I could fall down

Hit the ground and split Into a million tiny pieces 

And have, what us humans call a breakdown

Then comes Mr Always Ponder

Wth his long fingers and loud thunder

Pointing at me 


If you let yourself fall down

Who will pick up your brokenness 

Pamper or cherish your lonesomeness 

Glue your million pieces back together

Help you up on your feet and lift you like a feather?

Get up, get your act together!

These scary questions and words

Make me hide away from vulnerability 

That is when I start to run

In the chamber of fears

And as the days have turned into years

I see that my anxiety has stitched a web of elegantly mastered tears

Made me waltz on the edge

Of the lake I must dredge

I see how all the wrapped up emotions

Have been turned into an umbrella of shame

A hanging thread that prevents me from a reframe

I recognise how I am constantly pending in a loop

Then humbly I stoop

Kneel to the Divine 

The Great Mystery behind

And say I surrender

Help me to keep tender 

My own greatest defender

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